Thursday, January 5, 2012

God Gives You The Desires Of Your Heart!

I want to share about How God gives you the desires of your Heart.
This Christmas I received a gift that I had desired in my heart for such a long time. I have many things I am still waiting for and I believe that In God’s Perfect timing. He will also give me my other requests.
Our family was all together for our Christmas Eve celebration. We had dinner and deserts, and then came the time for exchanging gifts. Finally, my turn came. My niece gave me a little box. It looked more like a book than small box. I opened it and inside was a beautiful bracelet.  Only I knew that I had wanted this bracelet for some time. It had so much meaning to me because its little charms represent the things that we as women should be geared with.
The charms that it has are: a heart, which represents “You are a guardian of the heart;” a sword that means “Wield God’s Word to elevate life;” a cross that symbolizes Jesus is my ultimate love and source of life; a shoe to show that the enemy is under my feet; a punching glove that means to strike when the enemy draws near; and finally, a purse, which reminds me to spend my influence wisely.
I was so happy to receive this gift. I was believing for this book Fighting like a Girl by Lisa Bevere and a bracelet for so long and God used my niece to give me this gift for Christmas which means the world to me.
God knows everything about you. He knows the deepest desire of your heart. God does not want us to get impatient while waiting. God will deliver the desires of the heart in His timing. This is a small bracelet and it’s beautiful and has great meaning to me. I believe the Holy Spirit touched my niece’s heart to get this bracelet for me as a Christmas Gift.
I encourage you to listen to God. If He places a person in your heart to bless with a special gift, do not hold back the blessing to that person. If God is asking you to give a certain gift to someone, be obedient and do what he says!
Mediate on this promise:
Psalm 37:4 New International Version (NIV)
4 Take delight in the LORD,
   and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Be Encouraged!

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